The Role of Innovation Leadership

The relationship between innovation leadership and sustainability at the firm level is examined. The analysis is informed by research into the turn around at one of Jamaica's leading organisations, Jamaica Producers Group (JPG). The research shows how innovation leaders are committed to the message that innovation must be the prinicpal contributor to organisational development, growth, profitabilty and survival.

Intense global competition and growth in the service-based economy have made innovation central to long-term sustainability and competitiveness for developing countries. Organisations must develop business opportunities, services and systems for embracing changing markets; adopt appropriate technologies; and build channels of supply. Thus, innovation leadership must be seen as a crucial skillset to be recognised and differentiated from other management imperatives.

This is of particular relevance to developing countries such as those in the English-speaking Caribbean (ESC), where small market sizes, high public debt and the geopolitical subtleties of Caribbean countries provide a peculiar context to research issues related to innovation leadership. In this article, we explore the role of individuals in evolving a systematic approach to augment innovative outputs within their organisations. We argue that the process of innovation can be accomplished, systematised and replicated within organisations that have particular issues associated with a developing country.

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