Content about Business

November 15, 2018

For some time now traditional financial institutions have been facing disruptions in their business model as new technologies facilitate major changes in customer perceptions and expectations. How are the banks responding?

November 15, 2018

Economic transformation requires shared national vision and leadership from all sectors and institutions regardless of which party holds the reins of power.

November 15, 2018

The vision of economic independence is not unattainable. Jamaica, over the last decade, has made some strong structural, fiscal and monetary transformation towards building a stronger and more resilient economic system.


November 15, 2018

Unleashing the power of the stock market will drive wealth creation by funding ventures that local banks are not inclined to support adequately.


October 9, 2018

Several conversations surrounding different aspects of climate change have been top of the news over the last week. These include: changing hurricane patterns; sea temperatures warming; overall global warming; earthquakes and powerful tsunamis; polar melts; coral reef destruction; dangers of extinction of certain species that are important to agriculture, among others.

June 12, 2018

In just one week and two airplane rides, the media, the speculators, the “expert” analysts, and the political spin doctors are up at full speed. Contradictions of opinions, historical precedencies, former diplomatic maneuvers, and fairly obscure academics are having their one minute soundbites that will give rise to yet another book.

June 8, 2018

Barbados has a historical reputation (similar to Jamaica) of punching above its fighting weight. Who can forget the famous telegram supporting Britain in the Second World War: “Go ahead, Barbados is behind you”, this as Britain declared war on Germany and Hitler’s 3rd Reich. It was more than a statement; it was an AUDACIOUS statement from “Bimshire”

February 11, 2018

Social Entrepreneurship addresses the failings of the traditional economy through their operations within the social economy. This is evident in some countries like Jamaica, having low economic performance indicators, yet having a high social progress index showing significant improvement in the provision of services that address basic human needs.

February 11, 2018

The historical social, cultural, political, diplomatic and economic context of the Jamaica-China relationship provides a critical point of reference that gives texture to the current public discussion about balancing the relationship between both countries.

February 11, 2018

Domestic contractors, contrary to what some might want to believe, are not asking for any special favours or to ban foreign contractors. What we ask is to be given an opportunity to carry out our business in a fair way in our country.

February 11, 2018

Our study conducted by Mona School of Business and Management, (MSBM) in June 2017, revealed that the leaders of local construction firms perceive that public sector delays, Government procurement policy, cost of financing, and company debt burden are among the main impediments to growth of the sector. Along with policy changes, we suggest several strategies, including adoption of Lean Construction techniques to increase efficiency.

February 11, 2018

Social Progress Index 2014 done by Michael Porter shows Jamaica, despite having a PPP GDP per capita of US$7083, with a creditable index of 43 out of 132 countries examined.

December 18, 2017

As we approach the end of the calendar year most companies that have December 31, as a year-end are busy tidying up their books in anticipation of a timely and smooth audit. For the listed companies they have a deadline to meet for consolidation and completion within 90 days. For most, they would have completed their 2018 budget processes by October, but due to a few significant recent external events these may require a re-think of their original strategy.

September 4, 2017

On August 30, 2017 The Mona School of Business and Management hosted a very successful Public Forum entitled “The Business of Medical Marijuana: profit or loss?” The speakers at the Forum highlighted and discussed several critical and relevant issues that went far beyond the usual “smoking issues”. The Forum can be viewed on the YouTube site of MSBM.

June 28, 2017

The concept of climate change is again a very topical issue. Jamaica has had two recent bouts with heavy rains that have emphasized previously known areas of hazards, and have identified totally new areas that were previously overlooked or were dormant. The estimates of damages are not yet final, and even due diligence will not capture undocumented losses of agriculture, livestock, or illegal housing. Therefore the potential losses will continue as mere replacement does not necessarily equal enhanced restoration.

June 9, 2017

I am following up on a previous article on climate change in light of the “lucky miss”, or “escape from Harvey” which at the time of writing is ravaging coastal Texas. It has not yet completed its path, and is still severe enough to prevent many local rescues where people are stranded and rescue teams are still pinned down. We can only pray that the aftermath will not be as devastating as Katrina proved to be for New Orleans.

April 30, 2017

The relationship between innovation leadership and sustainability at the firm level is examined. The analysis is informed by research into the turn around at one of Jamaica's leading organisations, Jamaica Producers Group (JPG).

April 29, 2017

It is clear that companies in the Caribbean now have to be innovative and competitive because preferential arangements with countries outside the region have disappeared. Available data highlights the urgent need for collaboration among business organisations and for additional resources to help firms innovate in ways that directly improve sales performance and commercial success.

April 28, 2017

HealthCare sectors in the Caribbean, are often overwhelmed by the immediate challenges of service delivery – specifically, the provision of an acceptable quality of health care service at a reasonable cost. However policymakers and practitioners should not lose sight of significant innovation and entrepreneurial opportunities being created in Healthcare as a result of the Digital Revolution.

April 26, 2017

Diasporans (foreign born population and their off-springs maintaining relations to their country of origin) are vital sources of investment, innovation and entrepreneurship illustrated by locations such as Silicon Valley, Berlin, Taiwan and Republic of Korea. Likewise, Jamaican and Caribbean, with large diaspora populations, can also drive more investments from this source into the region given an enabling environment.

April 24, 2017

The delivery of a superior customer value is essential to financial firms that operate in a competitive marketplace. The firms must therefore create the business experience that satisfies or exceeds the customer’s expectation.

April 3, 2017

For our younger readers, Venezuela may only have a distant image comprising oilfields and offshore drilling that many have only seen pictures of. Venezuela’s second image may be the beautiful entrants in Miss World or Miss Universe. In these days of modern air travel there are only three convenient routes; one via Miami; one via Panama; or one via Trinidad.

January 31, 2016

The term “Big Data” is no longer confined to the foreign vernacular of scientists, technologists and geeks. Business and technology executives in public and private enterprise need to appreciate what it is, understand the opportunities and implications for their organisations

January 30, 2016

The term “Big Data” is no longer confined to the foreign vernacular of scientists, technologists and geeks. It has now become part of mainstream media and popular culture, pervading the spectrum from McKinsey global studies to Dilbert commentaries.