Content about Policy

February 11, 2018

It cannot be that the Jamaican construction industry that designed and built the National Stadium, Conference Centre, New Kingston, and the Bank of Jamaica is being told that in order to redevelop Downtown Kingston and construct the new Parliament building, we have to get foreign expertise to build. It is full time to review the policies that we have pursued over the years.

February 11, 2018

Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs) are a vital aspect of the strategic development of the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies. It engages the private sector in funding tertiary education which is a key element in human and national development. It’s a win-win situation.


April 27, 2017

The unavailability of accessible micro-finance for new venture creation has been a challenge in many potential entrepreneurs’ lives. Potential youth entrepreneurs have been given nothing more than a promise of microcredit as they continue to struggle to acquire small loans to invest in their business ideas and/or grow their entrepreneurial ventures

April 26, 2017

Diasporans (foreign born population and their off-springs maintaining relations to their country of origin) are vital sources of investment, innovation and entrepreneurship illustrated by locations such as Silicon Valley, Berlin, Taiwan and Republic of Korea. Likewise, Jamaican and Caribbean, with large diaspora populations, can also drive more investments from this source into the region given an enabling environment.

April 25, 2017

For more than three decades successive governments have promised major transformation of the public sector to make it more efficient and cost effective. Despite minimal success, these efforts have failed to achieve their majour objectives. Now it appears that the domestic and external conditions are aligned to make success possible.

April 23, 2017

The Jamaica Open Data Portal, launched in 2016 is designed to be a central online location for the publication of government data. It holds huge potential for business and researchers to use data to realise national development goals.

April 22, 2017

Ensuring stable electricity rates at low enough prices to encourage production for sustainable economic growth is the stated goal of the National Energy Policy (2009-2030). A key element of the policy is diversification of fuel sources to include renewables.

January 31, 2016

The term “Big Data” is no longer confined to the foreign vernacular of scientists, technologists and geeks. Business and technology executives in public and private enterprise need to appreciate what it is, understand the opportunities and implications for their organisations

January 1, 2016

Data are the lifeblood of decision-making and the raw material for accountability. Without high-quality data providing the right information on the right things at the right time; designing, monitoring and evaluating effective policies becomes almost impossible.

May 31, 2014

The discussion about the logistics hub has been characterized, in the main, by too much misinformation and disinformation. This is unfortunate because it runs the risk of damaging potential, damaging a tremendous opportunity and we can talk ourselves into gridlock over this opportunity

May 30, 2014

This symposium provides an opportunity to share some thoughts and dialogue on a very important issue in our 51st year of Independence. We need to think about the ways in which we can collectively collaborate to achieve objectives.We have to think about how we convert these large visions and dreams into a reality within the context that we operate in.

May 22, 2014

The more we learn the more questions we still have. I sense an underlying fear in many peoples' minds that the logistic hub project will perpetuate a historical pattern of foreign investment in export activity that is unfriendly to the environment and does not benefit the ordinary Jamaican.

May 20, 2014

Because of the size and scope of the the project, China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) examined various locations and determined that the Goat Islands was the best and most cost effective location to achieve the objectives they contemplated

December 19, 2012

Jamaica's pre-Olympic Training Camp in the English city of Birmingham offers a template for exploiting transnational business opportunities between Jamaica and the Diaspora.



December 19, 2012

Exploring how Jamaica can create a roadmap to guide the country to eventually realizing its very strong potential to be a leader in the world's US $113-billion sports industry.




December 14, 2012

 The Key to an organizational culture in which ideas flourish is to be found in the ability of the leadership to embrace and manage divergent points-of-view. Hence, effective leadership rests on developing the capacity to manage disagreement and to live with challenge; regrettably, this capacity is often lacking in both political and business environments.

December 24, 2011

 A study by Jamaica Productivity Centre (JPC) offers evidence of the performance gap between JPS power generation and other domestic power producers; ranks the JPS distribution operations among the least efficient in the region for total distribution losses, non-technical losses and reliability; and places JPS in the group with the highest electricity prices. At issue is whether modifications to the current operations of JPS and changes to the orientation of regulation could deliver significant short term benefits by way of lower electricity prices.

December 23, 2011

 The continued operation of all four alumnia plants in Jamaica, including even the most efficient, CAW, depends on the industry having a long-term source of competitive energy as well as resolving certain bauxite reserves issues. Two actions are necessary to achieve these objectives: Substituting oil with a cheaper fuel and making the necessary investments to accommodate the new fuel; making the necessary investments to improve the efficiency of whatever fuel is used.


December 19, 2011

 While the Government is pre-occupied with resolving the differences with the IMF to smooth the way for the release of more funds under the Standby Agreement with the Fund, there are long run problems that are in need of far more policy attention. As with previous agreements with the IMF the “tyranny of the immediate” need to meet targets continues to place on the back burner long-term policy attention to social and economic development.

March 26, 2011

  “It’s not an easy road”, sang Buju Banton in his 1995 hit of the same title. For small, developing countries like Jamaica, economically the road has never been easy. Since the global recession which started in 2008, the road has got even more difficult. No sector has been spared the ravages of the recession, including the three major sources of income for many Jamaicans: tourism, remittances and mining. The loss of jobs during this recession should certainly have dispelled totally any notion of a “job for life”...

March 23, 2011

Jamaica has passed the first three quarterly performance tests required by the 27-month Stand-By Agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) signed in January 2010. The US$1.27-billion loan is disbursed in tranches subject to meeting the conditionalities of the Agreement. To get the loan request approved and receive the first drawdown of approximately US$610-million, the government had to take “prior actions” in the form of imposing a tax package equivalent to 2% of GDP in December 2009, completing the Jamaica Debt Exchange (JDX), and selling Air Jamaica, both by January 2010.

March 23, 2011

 The Jamaica Debt Exchange (JDX) allowed the country to reduce its debt obligation by exchanging high interest government paper for lower interest paper at longer maturities. Collectively, Jamaican taxpayers have benefited from a lower debt profile and interest savings of over US$500-million in 2010. That said, Jamaican borrowers have yet to reap the benefits of a low interest rate regime. Hence the paradox – it costs the nation less than 9% per annum to borrow money from local investors, yet borrowers continue to pay upwards of 33% to borrow money from the financial sector.

March 23, 2011

 The Jamaica Debt Exchange has succeeded in slowing the rate of ‘crowding out’ private sector borrowers from financial institutions as government’s demand for funds has been reduced. However, for the JDX to achieve longterm success there must be some immediate accompanying measures including stability in monetary policy; creating an efficient market for interest rate and significant reduction in the cost of financial transactions.

March 22, 2011

 Government’s proposed LNG project is fraught with too many uncertainties including source of natural gas, absence of end user take off agreements and financing arrangements. Government should not be determining the fuel source of preference; rather, policy should promote diversification of sources. And government should initiate a renegotiation of the JPS licence with a
view to opening up the national electricity grid to more energy providers.